SAP and Jira Integration


Increase the usability of your SAP ecosystem and integrate your systems with the Atlassian toolset! Get the best of both worlds with fully consistent data and seamless processes. 

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Ever converging

Ever more business models are driven by the intelligent use of data enabled by deploying increasingly complex and diverse IT systems. The IT world has been in a state of flux over the years. Convergence, integrations and consolidations into single platforms are on most CIOs agendas. Many legacy systems and platforms are in need to be unified. In tandem with the quest for consolidation comes the move towards Micro-services and ease of use.

SAP is one of the core platforms within an organization covering most, if not all business areas from ERP and Finance to HR and Procurement. However, players like Atlassian have become essential for companies to collaborate at scale and Atlassian estates worldwide are growing exponentially. Both worlds have their benefits, however combining both gives the advantage of synchronised data and the benefits that entails.

In addition, cost savings can be achieved through the integration. Despite the fact that SAP tools are amongst the most functionally comprehensive, and the fact that SAP allows for additional tailored and customisable features and/or extensions, even the best Add-ons take a substantial amount of time and costs to be implemented. The use and integration with Atlassian and the wider use of DevOps and collaboration tools can avoid these costs.

Also, some business areas would rather make use of additional technologies due their usability, performance and capabilities, but still have potentially redundant SAP licenses in use. This causes duplicate license costs and various data inconsistencies

Project Timesheet Solution

Project Controlling is an essential part of a successful Project Organisation, aiming at proper reporting of financial figures and to be an organic part of the entire project lifecycle. To get accurate data, various project-related information such as tasks, roles or performance is maintained within a project management software. In order to make this static information more dynamic, i.e. to allocate project cost, additional processing is required. The Project Management Office needs to verify all data of the various projects to progress with cost center allocation and to issue internal or external invoices. To support the verification and cost-allocation process, we have connected the leading project management software Atlassian Jira with SAP Controlling module CO. This seamless integration supports the harmonization of project-specific information such as duration, costs and roles.
After the information is transferred from Jira to SAP CO, our integration takes care of the cost center distribution.

Our Experiences and Use-cases


ITSM Jira Service Management and SAP Solution Manager

Use Cases

Use Cases and Integration Scenarios

General approach

General Approach and Services

Your Benefit

Business Process Optimization

In some points, the system(s) reach their limits and employees continue to work manually on the next process steps. The integration of both systems closes gaps in the processes and ensures a seamless integration with fully integrated end-to-end processes

In particular, SAP processes can be extended with the easy maintainable Atlassian solutions (e.g. Jira Workflows) to reduce license costs or cost-intensive SAP solutions/modules.

Increased user Awareness

The integration between SAP systems and the Atlassian toolset increase user awareness since there is a decrease in the usage of multiple platforms.

We consult and advise which tool is most suitable for your business process, increasing productivity and usability.

No matter whether it is the SAP or Atlassian toolset being used as the primary system, we guarantee bi-directional data synchronization.

SAP and Atlassian Expert all in one

Our team combines SAP and Atlassian experts, so you have access to expertise and knowledge at all times. We analyze both systems and optimize your processes to maximize performance and efficiency.

Quality assurance and cost-effictiveness

Our expertise is based on best-practises, industry expertise and recognized experts.
The combination of our Nearshore approach allows attractive pricing due to on-site and remote work-ratio.

Cost optimization

The isolated usage of the toolsets leads to increased costs. Our experts consult in terms of maintenance, license and other operating costs applicable – optimizing your IT budget.

Single Source of Truth & Data consistency

All data are stored, archived and processed safely without data inconsistency or loss. Data can be stored on-site or remotely using our Private Cloud offering.

Mind map

SAP And Atlassian Integration Services



Our experts analyze your business processes to find potentials in the processes and implement the best approach to integrate SAP and Atlassian toolsets. Our SAP and Atlassian specialists identify the bottleneck between the platforms and design customized use-cases and solutions.

IT landscape analysis


Evaluation of your application landscape with regards to legacy, current and future integration requirements.

Data Synchronisation



We ensure seamless data mapping between SAP and Atlassian toolsets. The master data will be archived on your preferred platform and the communication between the systems is secure.

Atlassian App Development


The integration of Jira, Confluence or other Atlassian tools with the SAP ecosystem requires an app to synchronize the data bi-directionally and to ensure data validation. Since SAP is highly customized, general applications or standardized products are not capable of fulfilling all requirements.

Interface services



Interface development based on SAP PI/PO, SAP Cloud Platform Integration or 3rd-party tools e.g. Lobbster for SAP.
Integration via API or web services directly with Atlassian toolsets.

SAP And Atlassian Use Cases

Human Resources

Onboarding sheets including personal assets (mobile phone, laptop, car, etc.), which are managed in SAP but assigned to employees in the Atlassian Jira instance.

Trainings, certifications, etc, can be synchronized with the HR system (SAP).


Recurring maintenance of machines is synchronised with Jira to plan the maintenance e.g. changing tires on company cars.

A maintenance order is submitted (via SAP) and the responsible person gets a task on their Jira Task Board.


SAP data extracted as e.g. MS Power BI or Excel reports are published automatically as Atlassian Confluence page. All end-users keep track of the reporting and get notified of any changes.

Please note: reports may be subject to SAP licensing model.


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Directly contact us:


Contact Person: István Balog
Phone: +36 20/984 9687